Welcome to Brandon/ Valrico's newest home for recovering woman.  We are looking forward to serving the community and those who need the help and might not be able to make progress on their own.  It is our goal to help provide the support and tools needed to help get back to a "normal" life.

donate to better beginnings sober living, inc
If you would like to help here is a great way to take the guess work out of what to do. Your contributions go toward the guests in many ways including toiletries, community supplies, and more. Every dollar goes directly to them.
Payments And Donations


By Brigitte Zubatuk

Lightning Strikes Me
I'm paralyzed
Frozen in time
The pain electrifies me
Stuns my mind
But where I am in life it's
my time,
To redefine what has ultimately
defined my life thus far.
Uncovering and pushing
past my scars
My heart has been hurt and
torn apart.
But this battle is the start
to a promising future.
with happiness
and much love.
Full of God's many gifts
and all of recovery's promises
So I am finished punishing myself.
Finished beating myself up.
And this time is mine to
make absolutely divine